Thursday, December 2, 2010

Assignment #19

                                                                    My Love Story
One day there was this ten age couple that had been together since almost a year, and they started arguing for the dumbest thing ever, they were fighting because he thought that she liked her ex boyfriend, and he couldn't trust her, he just wouldn't  understand that she loved him like crazy, and yeah she got really upset with him because she never gave him reasons why not to trust her, he was really insecure, I'm guessing he felt less than her, because she was really good looking and guys thought that she was pretty.

So that one day she got a text from her ex boyfriend, they were close friends! he invited both of them to a soccer game, and he was so, so mad because she a got a text from her, but he never realize that he was inviting both, and he never realize that the girl and her ex boyfriend, had no feelings tours each other, so yeah he told her, that she prove him right! that what she did that day prove her that she had feelings for that one guy, so it was over.

She cried so much, because she loved him so much, and he wouldn't do nothing to trust her, he was to insecure, the next day they had class together and they were talking to each other and yeah they were fixing stuff, so they got back together, and one more time he &%$#( up and breaks up with her just because he just felt like it, this time she didn't even care, but she felt bad because he was being so rude.

Once again they started talking, after two weeks, they got back together, and they promise each other to trust each other, so yeah they were so happy, she was like Oh My God, she looked even prettier, thats how happy she was. One weekend she called him and ask him if they wanted to hang out, so he said yeah! so she got ready to see him; so when she called him she asked him what was he doing and he told her that he was getting ready to g o to a party, so he just left her there heart broken, so she just let it go, and she changed to something else, and she went with her cousins; the next day she texted her, if he wanted to hang out, so he said yeah, once again he just left her waiting for him. 

That was the day she was disappointed and she told him that maybe they should just be friends, because  he didn't care about anything, and he just didn't care about her, and that she was looking for a guy that care, that had good feelings, that wasn't with her just because she was pretty; and she just knew she loved him so much but she wasn't going to let him walk all over her, because she knew her values and that she didn't deserve what he was doing with her, so than he told her, well okay and put a smily face. and told her its okay, because I'm  staring to like this other girl, so he just mess her heat up! and she told her okay.

So a week passed and she finds out he has a girlfriend already, she was so sad, but she acted like nothing was going on she was holding feelings in, so she didn't even cry; she let it go, so time passes by, and okay she meets new people, but she don't like none of the guys, than he tells her that he likes her best friend and that he dont care what i feel or think, so she finds out that her best friend is going out with that one guy! she tells her self I'm not going to cry, but than she sees them kiss right in-front of her, and she holds it in, even though its killing her from the inside.

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