Friday, December 10, 2010

Assigment #13

Dark scary creatures, walking all over town, with out a direction
Kids trick or treating, around the neighborhood.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

assigment #20

                                                     Mi Historia De Navidad!

Todo el pueblo estava emocionado con la llegada de la fiesta de navidad, ya tenian la iglesia arreglada,estavan poniendo las luces de navida, los arreglos navidenos, el pueblo estava preparando todo para la llegada de la reina Beatriz 
El padre Benito estava muy preocupado por una nina que no tenia padres, porque se havian enfermado mucho mucho y murieron, y ella iva a estar sola durante los festejos de navidad, asi que la invito a pasar las festividades de navidad, y si queria cuando ya aya pasado todo la podia llevar con sus tios a el estado vecino,  ella le contest que gracias, que lo que estava hacienda por ella era un gran regalo de Navidad; entonces el se fue a terminar de arreglar todo y cuando  se fue el padre Benito, pasaron 2 ratoncitos corriendo porque un gato los iva siguiendo, para comerselos, entonces ella se asomo, y fue corriendo detras del gato para que no se fuera a comer ningun raton, y entaron corriendo a la iglesia, y el gato destrullo todos los areeglos que habian echo, entonces entro la gente a ver que estava sucediendo, y cuando entraron ala iglesia, y se dieron una gran sorpresa, cuando vieron todo destruido, se pusieron muy tristes porque solo faltaban 24 horas para la llegada de la reina, el padre culpo a la nina porque fue la unica que estava ayi, y el gato. Pero como ella savia que ella no era culpable de lo que paso lloro mucho y decidio huir, pero el padre se asusto mucho cuando etro a la recamara de la nina y no estava, asi que salio a buscarla pero era algo que no tenia caso porque nadie la vio salir, entonces unos rateros entraron al pueblo y se la llevaron, y la obligaron a que los métiera a donde tenian el Tesoro.
Cuando ya los metio le arrancaron el collar que traia con la foto de sus papas, y lo aventaron adentro del cuarto y se fueron lejos, lejos del pueblo, y enserraron a la nina en una chosa helada y se disfasaron de Nuevo par air a otra parte y robar de Nuevo en otro pueblo, pero la nina logro escaparse y les agarro una parte del Tesoro para ensenarle a la gente que ella savia donde estavan los rateros, pero nadie le creyo, y la culparon de ladrona, entonces los ladrones pasaron y ella asusto a los caballos y se voltiaron y se callo todo el Tesoro; entonces el policia de el pueblo los arresto y los metio a la carcel, entyonces, la reina llego y cantaron todos juntos, despues comieron y se la pasaron muy bien, el dia siguiente la reina llevo a la nina con sus familiares y ella estava muy feliz de estar con ellos.
La nina presento a la reina y a sus tios, y la reina entro a comer con la nina y su famila y la fiesta siguio y quebraron pinatas comieron tamales de dulce, de chile rojo, chile verde, dulces pastel, el dia siguiente la reina se fue, y les dijo que bendria pronto a visitar.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Assignment #17

                                              Heavens portrayed in Smoke Signals.

This story teach me that sometimes you have to change to keep the people you love with you! and not ruin their lives, because when you break their heart for a stupid thing you just decided to do, its also gonna break yours. This movie makes so much sense, because it makes you understand that the world doesn't go around you, and that sometimes the decisions you make can really hurt the people you love, so really what ever you want its not always the best, think about it and think about the people all around you.
It also teaches that having an addiction is bad for you, and it can kill you little by little, not literally but it kills your soul, like on the movie, when Victors dad left the house mad, because Victor broke all his beers, and he lost a whole family just because he was addicted to alcohol, and he rather lose his family than lose the addiction, I'm not saying its Essy to lose an addiction but if he at least would of try ed! it would of made him save his son, from getting his heart broken

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Assignment #19

                                                                    My Love Story
One day there was this ten age couple that had been together since almost a year, and they started arguing for the dumbest thing ever, they were fighting because he thought that she liked her ex boyfriend, and he couldn't trust her, he just wouldn't  understand that she loved him like crazy, and yeah she got really upset with him because she never gave him reasons why not to trust her, he was really insecure, I'm guessing he felt less than her, because she was really good looking and guys thought that she was pretty.

So that one day she got a text from her ex boyfriend, they were close friends! he invited both of them to a soccer game, and he was so, so mad because she a got a text from her, but he never realize that he was inviting both, and he never realize that the girl and her ex boyfriend, had no feelings tours each other, so yeah he told her, that she prove him right! that what she did that day prove her that she had feelings for that one guy, so it was over.

She cried so much, because she loved him so much, and he wouldn't do nothing to trust her, he was to insecure, the next day they had class together and they were talking to each other and yeah they were fixing stuff, so they got back together, and one more time he &%$#( up and breaks up with her just because he just felt like it, this time she didn't even care, but she felt bad because he was being so rude.

Once again they started talking, after two weeks, they got back together, and they promise each other to trust each other, so yeah they were so happy, she was like Oh My God, she looked even prettier, thats how happy she was. One weekend she called him and ask him if they wanted to hang out, so he said yeah! so she got ready to see him; so when she called him she asked him what was he doing and he told her that he was getting ready to g o to a party, so he just left her there heart broken, so she just let it go, and she changed to something else, and she went with her cousins; the next day she texted her, if he wanted to hang out, so he said yeah, once again he just left her waiting for him. 

That was the day she was disappointed and she told him that maybe they should just be friends, because  he didn't care about anything, and he just didn't care about her, and that she was looking for a guy that care, that had good feelings, that wasn't with her just because she was pretty; and she just knew she loved him so much but she wasn't going to let him walk all over her, because she knew her values and that she didn't deserve what he was doing with her, so than he told her, well okay and put a smily face. and told her its okay, because I'm  staring to like this other girl, so he just mess her heat up! and she told her okay.

So a week passed and she finds out he has a girlfriend already, she was so sad, but she acted like nothing was going on she was holding feelings in, so she didn't even cry; she let it go, so time passes by, and okay she meets new people, but she don't like none of the guys, than he tells her that he likes her best friend and that he dont care what i feel or think, so she finds out that her best friend is going out with that one guy! she tells her self I'm not going to cry, but than she sees them kiss right in-front of her, and she holds it in, even though its killing her from the inside.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

assignment #14

Well I’m my point of view I think that we shouldn’t have uniforms for our high schools, because that’s a way that kids can express themselves, a way that they can show their identity who they are or who they want to be. So why do schools just want to take over their student by not letting them express what they feel, because either way there’s going to be kids that that aren’t going to be following  the uniform rules, and students are going to be getting in more trouble because they aren’t going to want to be wearing uniforms.
Also people from school boards think that just because their students are wearing uniforms thy think that student are going to act different, but No! Because the colors that the schools pick are gang related colors {navy blue, kaki, red, blue and black}, and if those are the colors what is the point of wearing uniforms if teachers and principals want uniform so they can reduce the influence of gangs in schools and young people, schools also don’t realize that they take away their personalities; but they think that if all students wear uniforms all student are going to be equally treated, but no because racisms exists and it happens a lot in school; like some white people don’t like color people, so once again there is no point of uniforms; also we all know that we have a low economy and we know that our sons, cousins, daughters, brothers, brother and sisters etc.. Don’t wear uniform all day they just use the uniform for about 7 hours a day, and they take it off, so don’t you think it would be less expensive if they stop wearing uniforms? And if people want their child to be treated with respect, why don’t we teach them how to do that, one more point here if they want to have a scene of unity by using uniforms, I think that that’s not going to work, because not everyone has a different way of thinking and they have different opinions that if you put them together that can cause a fight, and the office is fighting over that so y don’t they just let them do what they think it’s right than if it’s something bad punish them. And that’s how the school can worry less about the uniforms, and they can worry about more important subjects than uniforms.
Okay, going back to uniforms, schools are making student wear uniforms because; they think that appearance is important, which it is, but you can’t change a child appearance, because even if you try to hide it with an uniforms you can’t make them despaired, why don’t we show them how to fix that one problem that people have with appearance. It’s more likely for a kid to accept a kid that is nothing like him, that they dress different, sometimes difference is the answer.  And dressing everyone the same I believe that makes kids think, that they can only be the same with a uniform, and that when you take it off, they can’t like each other no more, and do we want our kids to be different? I don’t think so, schools also think that wearing uniforms can help them recognize people who don’t belong to the school, but it’s easy either way, why? Because anybody that wants to sneak in a school can just go wearing uniform and who is going to know that he doesn’t go to that school? Well nobody because his not going to be different from the other kids. Oh and also I think that wearing uniforms it’s like preparing kids for jail. Because it’s like jail plus wearing uniforms make it more like it, we need our kids to be the thinkers for our future, and uniforms stop them from doing that. Whenever school lets them take regular clothes to school they tell them that it can’t have any type of letters, so where did our freedom of speech went, I believe that they are taking over our children’s freedom of speech, they are taking away their right to speech what they think or believe, and a shirt with writing on it it’s a way to identify themselves.
What do you think?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Assigment #10

This story wasn’t long ago, this happened like a month ago, when one day some random girl went up to me screaming at me and saying bunch of mean things that really had no point, because she didn’t even know me, but yeah at the end I found out that it was because she likes my boyfriend, and well what can I do about it, it’s not my fault that she likes him, and he don’t like her, than me and him broke up and she was all happy saying stuff that really were point less, WHAT! She has no point in life, poor thing she’s ugly from the inside and the outside.
            She don’t know what self respect is, so maybe that’s why she don’t respect others, after all those thing happened she was acting like she was all cool and that she could do whatever with me, so she went up to me and scream again, I was like what is she thinking, so I just listen to her I wasn’t going to talk to her back because I have a life I have self respect, my mom thought me that if someone talks bad stuff about me just let them because they are not going to win nothing if you let them get on your nerves, so I just ignored her till she shut up and walked away, and I really didn’t care anything that she told me, but she wouldn’t give up, so a week passed and I tough she was going to leave me alone, but surprise she didn’t she kept on being annoying, but I ignored her, than she told me, “ if You keep talking ^%$@ about me im beat you up and this and that , like if I cared, I don’t even know her name or anything, and she says im talking ^%$@, is she dumb I don’t waste my time with dumb people, really she probably is retarded; so yeah she thinks that just because im like 300 times smaller than me she can do whatever she wants, and she’s wrong because if she touches me im not alone, I’ll tell my mom to come talk to the principal, but still thats when im stop being nice, and she would be probably fighting for my Ex boyfriend, I wouldn’t, I’ll be defending myself, and yeah she has no values in her life, she don’t have love, because, she makes her self seen all stupid because she’s fighting over a boy!.
            She made me feel smarter than her, and she look super dumb ha-ha, because all she wants is attention from Luis, and sadly he can’t stand her because she was screaming at me, all she earned is Luis to hate her because, we are really close still and yeah, yeah we still like each other but we can’t, go out because we need to focus more in school and in our sports, and we wouldn’t have time for each other so it was pointless,  and that girl can really say whatever she wants because her words don’t hurt me, it’s hilarious because she says I look like a boy and I really don’t care what she thinks, I like my hair, and all she’s earning from Luis is hate because he don’t like people to be mean to me, and I know that maybe that’s another reason for her to hate me even more!
            Really I’ve never bullied anybody, im a really calm person that don’t like stuff like that I don’t like drama, If I want attention I can get it by doing nice things by being nice to people, I don’t get the point of why hate people if you can love them, I don’t see the point of why fight if we can talk, and I believe that the moment a girl fights over a guy, it makes the guy think they are the best thing in the world, and it’s going to make him think that he is all special, but he might only be and mean the world to you , but not the whole world, and it’s going to make you see desperate, and really that looks so wrong in a girl, it also makes you look like you have no values, no respect for others and yourself, as a girl I would want to tell that girl that for someone to love her, or like her, first she needs to love and like herself she need to have respect, not just to her but the whole world, she need to find a person that likes her as much as she like them, she need to have self esteem, so people can see her like she wants them to.
            I have never seen anybody bullying another person, but I wouldn’t wanna see it either, because that is so sad to see that those people that bully people try to be someone that they created them self’s, and that they do it so others can see how strong and tough he is, or probably how weak he is because, really he don’t love them self’s, and If I ever see something like that I would tell the security guard, because me by myself I wouldn’t  be able to do anything, but for sure I would want to help him/ or her because of the bullies they caused mentally problems!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assigment #9

                                                                                     WHAT IS THIS?

Something really rare happened to me the other day, I was with my friends at night in the park when all random this person approached me asking me my name, but I had this feeling that he wasn’t one of ours, he made this impression of himself that would get your skin with Goosebumps, so yeah he asked my name, and I was scared so I invented one name so he wouldn’t know it, but he told me I was lying!
My reaction was like OMG “what is this” do I have a stalker now, well I didn’t like that idea because I’m horrified of weird things like that, no, no, no, I don’t want that those were my thoughts , but I felt like he kept on reading my mind so I kept trying to go blank, when he told me everything about me; I was super scared because, really I that was like I’ve never seen this one guy in my life, he walked away looking at me with his bog black eyes.

For the past days I been looking for that one guy, but I just can’t find him I want to know what his name is, why he asked for my name, and how does he know everything about me, who is he? Ha this is really weird. Well I let it go when all of a sudden I close my eyes and I’m in another world, I was lost in that world , I was sitting in this park that O MY GOD, that was a cool park and i was looking around to see the place when I see that one guy again but I couldn't see any of my friends or any of my family members I was lost in the world, well I started walking without knowing where when I see across the street a girl that looks just like me omg dam, she was Beautiful, her name was Jimena and she look just like me it was just like an identical twin i had it was awesome. so I went up to her, and it was pretty weird to see each other; than I walked away I realize well maybe that’s why that guy knew me, but still how did he know my name if my name is Gema, not jimena? this is pretty scary still, I was looking a way to get out of that place but I just couldn’t, I try to open my eyes, I even pinched myself but nothing worked, all i wanted was to go back and be with my friends and family everything changed and went back to normal when I started crying, when I open my eyes I was back home but all this is so weird, why is all this happening to me? I been asking myself this question? But no answers came to me! it was just really weird, all I wanted was my normal life, than I thought that maybe I have to make change something, or the people from that world wanted to help us change something, but how can they help us if they don’t tell us they pretty much just scare us! I was just to lost in that world, so now that I was back to normal life all I started thinking about what is going on in earth so I started looking at the news and I found out that that one random guy wasn’t from earth I knew it I just know that he wasn’t like us, but I also know that if I would of said something people would of think that I was going nuts, and well I stayed quiet, now all im waiting for is for that one guy to talk to somebody else so we can get together and try to explain to people that there is extra terrestrial life.

 1 week later:

So I been pretty much stalking people and trying to stalk that one guy so I can know if he told somebody, but no so what should I do know await till he comes back so I can ask him; if he told somebody else, also I was thinking that I was crazy and that everything that happen was a dream, when all of a sudden surprise ha that one guy show up with two other people so we went to a café and we had time to talk, I asked him why did he took me to that place and left me by myself, and he told me that he did that because he wanted someone from earth to see that we are killing our planet and all of a sudden we won’t have no more earth and that all we have done is going to the trash because; all we do is pollute the earth and kill the forest so us humans can live more comfortable, he also said that we are self fish and we want everything to our selves, they want to help us because that same thing happened to but they never listen to the signals that others sent them; the other girl that was with him told me that we need to be prepare because they were going to start helping us and taking people to that other world, and that for sure they weren’t going to let us pollute their earth, they have energy that doesn’t affect the earth they have technology that we can’t even imagine, and  that we have to let go all our selfishness and start caring about the world we want to give to the next generations, because we have to understand that just because we are going to die, that doesn’t mean that the world is going to end, than they stood up and left, I was all shocked! Then I thought that they are right we need to give earth a long brake so it can blossom again; and we can use it as a tourist place because we have a beautiful planet, and we don’t see all the stuff earth that has been doing for us!
And now think do you think that we have to change something?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment #7

What I think of this quote is that she is right, because first of all to love others you have to love yourself first, and this has happened to me because sometimes I don’t think I’m good enough, and I get jealous for the most stupid reasons ever, and that just show that one person that and probably makes her think that she better than me. When you are jealous you think that everyone around you hates you, and they probably don’t even notice you, and you just start hating them for no reason, because they haven’t done anything to you.
Jealousy tell people your insecurities and if they don’t like you that’s going to make them stronger, which is pointless hating each other, but it always happens in life; you might not notice that there people out there that think you beautiful from the inside and outside, but if you don’t see it you won’t believe it, because you don’t have enough self esteem, and that can kill love and everything good around you, never think of love as “LUCK” because that is not how it work, love doesn’t come from how you look it come from within, jealousy can be a sickness that can kill not just you, but all the people you love.
Don’t think of other in a bad way; make their imperfections an attraction leave your jealousy in a place where you can’t find it make yourself unique, most of all respect yourself because if you don’t show people how to respect you, they won’t do it because your nice, people can care less if you have feelings or not, make your imperfection’s perfect, don’t expect to be completely perfect because there is no such a thing. Love yourself, love others and believe in you, and never let people who don’t love you put you down.
Never waste your energy trying to fix others, use it in yourself put effort on all those things that you think are wrong, if it’s your attitude, change it if it’s really bad, but never change it completely, because that you won’t be you, ignore the negative things that people say about you, take the positive things, listen to people that love you, and really who cares how you dress, or do your hair, if you don’t do it o well. Step out of the comfort zone, for you to succeed, never wait for nobody because they won’t be waiting for you.
Try what I’m telling you, and you’re going to feel so much better with yourself, love but don’t wait for people to love you back because, that’s not going to happened all the time, believe them if they tell you, that they love you; and if they don’t worry about it; I’m telling you to do this because I was all that that I just wrote, and I realize that till I lost the one I love, and know I’m changing because I know that there is no one in this world that is going to love me more than myself, and because you suffer if you don’t have a personal value; and you’re never going to succeed in life if, you keep looking back to see what others are doing.
 ALWAYS LOVE AND RESPECT YOUR SELF NO MATTER WHAT, AND LOVE THE WHOLE ENTERED EARTH! plus because being a jelause person will always make you look ugly, from the inside and the outside.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anne Frank!

           I got a new book because i just didn't feel the other one, anyways!

            So far what I've read is that they gave Anne her diary as a birthday present, i think it was for her 13 one. Shes really happy because they gave her nice gifts, so she starts writing and she pretty much says everything that is going on with her family and where they are going to hide, because they send ed a citation to her cousin and she tells us where they are hiding, and she describes everything! She also talks about her Brother, Mom, Dad, Cousin, and Grandma.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I think that culture, is really important for every human race, because they are your roots;
for example in Mexican and every time there is some kind of celebration the first thing Mexicans think about is food, why because our food is really colorful and it makes you feel happy, and it also brings up good memories that make you remember about your grandma.
Religious business can get out of hand when you mix it with politics, why? because we have freedom of religion, which that let us pick what we want to believe or think,  and its hard to mix those two subjects because every one has different points of view and that makes us fight, oh another thing we are the ones that mix up religion with another one and it makes us get mad at each other, because there is to many different religions, and they all say that they are the ones that are right, but actually who knows only God does. and in a way we all think of religion as a way to meditate and feel good about your self not and your soul.

Religion I think that its Culture too, because many people are not religious and they like learning the different types of stuff that, that  religion likes to do, like there is this one religion which i don't remember the name, and they cut their clitoris, and they see it so normal, like if nothing was happening, and well that's their culture, they are like too mean to do that to a girl that they probably don't even know, and all they did was ruin her life, and lowered her self esteem, i see that as a person or culture that has no values and morality, and that they dont respect women like they suppose too, because woman are not just to be at home, that is so 1800. and we need to stop that; why? because every girl in this planet is equaly the same as a guy, and eather one of them hass to think their better. i believe that religion has to have respect tourse everyone, and think that we are all the same!  

My world!

A dream world where God blesses our earth,
where there is no bad!
A dream world  where all there is no hate,
where we see everybody the same
A dream world were all you see around is love and peace,
a place for families to have a good time and remember happy memories.
a world with out sadness, so everybody can be happy.
where the dead is not fear,
A healthy place for kids to grow and make happy families with out hate, or problems.
 i want a world were we can have fun with out danger,
were everybody is trustworthy,
were people think not only about them selves, and they think about our home "EARTH".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Miny book report!

well the book so far is about, this one guy that is like in the military service, or something and his looking for a lighter to light up his cigarate, and he asked a guy if he had a lighter, so the guy was like 19 years old and he said ya! and he also said that that lighter had magic because it can turn on no mater what! and the guy from the sevice said that if he can turn it on 10 times with out missing the service guy would give him his cadillac! and if he loses, he would cut a finguer off!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reflecting ture love!

Its always good to realize that the world its not always about you! that there is other people all around you!

Specially if you love someone don't wait till you see that your losing them, to act, or change your attitude because sometimes the person that you love the most might not like it, and that's how you lose them, try to be the best that you can and think about the world around you, give your self time, and think a way that you could be better for your self, and for the other person.

Don't worry about all the physical things, thing about your soul and look deep inside that one person you love, see what he like about you and use it to keep them with you, never use jealously as a weapon, why because that is the end of a relationship, the end for trust and. think about others feelings before yours, think about the world all arrond you, and try to look deep inside peoples souls, but never stop thinking about you, because then, thats going to be your end.

True love starts with a frienship, Respect for each other and your self, and the main support for love is trust, love dont care about sexsuality, love is something amazing and its always good to know that, that someone that you love, loves you back with the same intensity.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Live, Laugh, Love!

          My name is Gema, and i think that we should all have a nice life, but a life that you dont regret having because, life is to short to mess up the rest of your life.
                                    "Live your live the best you can."

          Laugh, as much as you can, because when your life gets boring, that means that God isn making any difference in your life, if that happens, GO! and look for him and i know that his going to make you a DIFFERENCE.

            Love, everything arround you, appreciate everything you have know, because if you dont your going to be pretty sad, when you dont have them with you. love that someone that you have a connection with, not the one you think its cute, love with your heart, not with your eyes.


Don't wait for destiny,
if you can make it your onw unique way.

Your present is your future,
and know your future is your destiny.

dont mess up your present
and your future,
because you will regret it.


I havent finish this book im reading, the name of the book is the best of Roald Dahl, and so far its aboutsome guys that wanted to go out and find a girlfriend, so they were looking for a girl, so they can take them out in the night, and yeah they took pretty much all day!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Something I like!

Soccer, i really enjoy doing this sport, why?, because preatty much we are the only hispanic team, and its also hard because people just look at us just to see what we do wron. being in the Girls soccer team is way harder because our own class mates think that because the guys win all the time, we have to be like them, and they don't support us, they just point at us because why? who knows!

Our soccer team is awesome and different, because we are pretty much the only team in the city that goes to soccer camps to Chicago, "woo hoo" that is really cool. plus we dont play just to win we play because we like to do it, we have a HUGE heart and even if we lose we walk out of the field like we won! because we are proud of what we do, and its pretty funny because most people say that we suck, and probably we do, but we dont care because those people wernt with us all summer long to see how hard we practice!

Hopefully from know on we get more support from teachers and student, and im hopeing our school realize that we dont suck that we are a young team that is bearly learning how to play soccer and that most of us