This story wasn’t long ago, this happened like a month ago, when one day some random girl went up to me screaming at me and saying bunch of mean things that really had no point, because she didn’t even know me, but yeah at the end I found out that it was because she likes my boyfriend, and well what can I do about it, it’s not my fault that she likes him, and he don’t like her, than me and him broke up and she was all happy saying stuff that really were point less, WHAT! She has no point in life, poor thing she’s ugly from the inside and the outside.
She don’t know what self respect is, so maybe that’s why she don’t respect others, after all those thing happened she was acting like she was all cool and that she could do whatever with me, so she went up to me and scream again, I was like what is she thinking, so I just listen to her I wasn’t going to talk to her back because I have a life I have self respect, my mom thought me that if someone talks bad stuff about me just let them because they are not going to win nothing if you let them get on your nerves, so I just ignored her till she shut up and walked away, and I really didn’t care anything that she told me, but she wouldn’t give up, so a week passed and I tough she was going to leave me alone, but surprise she didn’t she kept on being annoying, but I ignored her, than she told me, “ if You keep talking ^%$@ about me im beat you up and this and that , like if I cared, I don’t even know her name or anything, and she says im talking ^%$@, is she dumb I don’t waste my time with dumb people, really she probably is retarded; so yeah she thinks that just because im like 300 times smaller than me she can do whatever she wants, and she’s wrong because if she touches me im not alone, I’ll tell my mom to come talk to the principal, but still thats when im stop being nice, and she would be probably fighting for my Ex boyfriend, I wouldn’t, I’ll be defending myself, and yeah she has no values in her life, she don’t have love, because, she makes her self seen all stupid because she’s fighting over a boy!.
She made me feel smarter than her, and she look super dumb ha-ha, because all she wants is attention from Luis, and sadly he can’t stand her because she was screaming at me, all she earned is Luis to hate her because, we are really close still and yeah, yeah we still like each other but we can’t, go out because we need to focus more in school and in our sports, and we wouldn’t have time for each other so it was pointless, and that girl can really say whatever she wants because her words don’t hurt me, it’s hilarious because she says I look like a boy and I really don’t care what she thinks, I like my hair, and all she’s earning from Luis is hate because he don’t like people to be mean to me, and I know that maybe that’s another reason for her to hate me even more!
Really I’ve never bullied anybody, im a really calm person that don’t like stuff like that I don’t like drama, If I want attention I can get it by doing nice things by being nice to people, I don’t get the point of why hate people if you can love them, I don’t see the point of why fight if we can talk, and I believe that the moment a girl fights over a guy, it makes the guy think they are the best thing in the world, and it’s going to make him think that he is all special, but he might only be and mean the world to you , but not the whole world, and it’s going to make you see desperate, and really that looks so wrong in a girl, it also makes you look like you have no values, no respect for others and yourself, as a girl I would want to tell that girl that for someone to love her, or like her, first she needs to love and like herself she need to have respect, not just to her but the whole world, she need to find a person that likes her as much as she like them, she need to have self esteem, so people can see her like she wants them to.
I have never seen anybody bullying another person, but I wouldn’t wanna see it either, because that is so sad to see that those people that bully people try to be someone that they created them self’s, and that they do it so others can see how strong and tough he is, or probably how weak he is because, really he don’t love them self’s, and If I ever see something like that I would tell the security guard, because me by myself I wouldn’t be able to do anything, but for sure I would want to help him/ or her because of the bullies they caused mentally problems!