Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment #7

What I think of this quote is that she is right, because first of all to love others you have to love yourself first, and this has happened to me because sometimes I don’t think I’m good enough, and I get jealous for the most stupid reasons ever, and that just show that one person that and probably makes her think that she better than me. When you are jealous you think that everyone around you hates you, and they probably don’t even notice you, and you just start hating them for no reason, because they haven’t done anything to you.
Jealousy tell people your insecurities and if they don’t like you that’s going to make them stronger, which is pointless hating each other, but it always happens in life; you might not notice that there people out there that think you beautiful from the inside and outside, but if you don’t see it you won’t believe it, because you don’t have enough self esteem, and that can kill love and everything good around you, never think of love as “LUCK” because that is not how it work, love doesn’t come from how you look it come from within, jealousy can be a sickness that can kill not just you, but all the people you love.
Don’t think of other in a bad way; make their imperfections an attraction leave your jealousy in a place where you can’t find it make yourself unique, most of all respect yourself because if you don’t show people how to respect you, they won’t do it because your nice, people can care less if you have feelings or not, make your imperfection’s perfect, don’t expect to be completely perfect because there is no such a thing. Love yourself, love others and believe in you, and never let people who don’t love you put you down.
Never waste your energy trying to fix others, use it in yourself put effort on all those things that you think are wrong, if it’s your attitude, change it if it’s really bad, but never change it completely, because that you won’t be you, ignore the negative things that people say about you, take the positive things, listen to people that love you, and really who cares how you dress, or do your hair, if you don’t do it o well. Step out of the comfort zone, for you to succeed, never wait for nobody because they won’t be waiting for you.
Try what I’m telling you, and you’re going to feel so much better with yourself, love but don’t wait for people to love you back because, that’s not going to happened all the time, believe them if they tell you, that they love you; and if they don’t worry about it; I’m telling you to do this because I was all that that I just wrote, and I realize that till I lost the one I love, and know I’m changing because I know that there is no one in this world that is going to love me more than myself, and because you suffer if you don’t have a personal value; and you’re never going to succeed in life if, you keep looking back to see what others are doing.
 ALWAYS LOVE AND RESPECT YOUR SELF NO MATTER WHAT, AND LOVE THE WHOLE ENTERED EARTH! plus because being a jelause person will always make you look ugly, from the inside and the outside.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anne Frank!

           I got a new book because i just didn't feel the other one, anyways!

            So far what I've read is that they gave Anne her diary as a birthday present, i think it was for her 13 one. Shes really happy because they gave her nice gifts, so she starts writing and she pretty much says everything that is going on with her family and where they are going to hide, because they send ed a citation to her cousin and she tells us where they are hiding, and she describes everything! She also talks about her Brother, Mom, Dad, Cousin, and Grandma.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I think that culture, is really important for every human race, because they are your roots;
for example in Mexican and every time there is some kind of celebration the first thing Mexicans think about is food, why because our food is really colorful and it makes you feel happy, and it also brings up good memories that make you remember about your grandma.
Religious business can get out of hand when you mix it with politics, why? because we have freedom of religion, which that let us pick what we want to believe or think,  and its hard to mix those two subjects because every one has different points of view and that makes us fight, oh another thing we are the ones that mix up religion with another one and it makes us get mad at each other, because there is to many different religions, and they all say that they are the ones that are right, but actually who knows only God does. and in a way we all think of religion as a way to meditate and feel good about your self not and your soul.

Religion I think that its Culture too, because many people are not religious and they like learning the different types of stuff that, that  religion likes to do, like there is this one religion which i don't remember the name, and they cut their clitoris, and they see it so normal, like if nothing was happening, and well that's their culture, they are like too mean to do that to a girl that they probably don't even know, and all they did was ruin her life, and lowered her self esteem, i see that as a person or culture that has no values and morality, and that they dont respect women like they suppose too, because woman are not just to be at home, that is so 1800. and we need to stop that; why? because every girl in this planet is equaly the same as a guy, and eather one of them hass to think their better. i believe that religion has to have respect tourse everyone, and think that we are all the same!  

My world!

A dream world where God blesses our earth,
where there is no bad!
A dream world  where all there is no hate,
where we see everybody the same
A dream world were all you see around is love and peace,
a place for families to have a good time and remember happy memories.
a world with out sadness, so everybody can be happy.
where the dead is not fear,
A healthy place for kids to grow and make happy families with out hate, or problems.
 i want a world were we can have fun with out danger,
were everybody is trustworthy,
were people think not only about them selves, and they think about our home "EARTH".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Miny book report!

well the book so far is about, this one guy that is like in the military service, or something and his looking for a lighter to light up his cigarate, and he asked a guy if he had a lighter, so the guy was like 19 years old and he said ya! and he also said that that lighter had magic because it can turn on no mater what! and the guy from the sevice said that if he can turn it on 10 times with out missing the service guy would give him his cadillac! and if he loses, he would cut a finguer off!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reflecting ture love!

Its always good to realize that the world its not always about you! that there is other people all around you!

Specially if you love someone don't wait till you see that your losing them, to act, or change your attitude because sometimes the person that you love the most might not like it, and that's how you lose them, try to be the best that you can and think about the world around you, give your self time, and think a way that you could be better for your self, and for the other person.

Don't worry about all the physical things, thing about your soul and look deep inside that one person you love, see what he like about you and use it to keep them with you, never use jealously as a weapon, why because that is the end of a relationship, the end for trust and. think about others feelings before yours, think about the world all arrond you, and try to look deep inside peoples souls, but never stop thinking about you, because then, thats going to be your end.

True love starts with a frienship, Respect for each other and your self, and the main support for love is trust, love dont care about sexsuality, love is something amazing and its always good to know that, that someone that you love, loves you back with the same intensity.